Rutherfords Conoflex 2 day open 28/29 June 2014
2 Zones Copthorne and Business park river Tyne
Reg at Copthorne hotel from 11am on Saturday
Fishing Times
Sat 1pm to 5pm
Sunday 1.30pm to 5.30pm
£30 entry for both days
1st in each zone each day gets cono-flex rod plus100% payout
Fish size over 18cm eels at 25cm Smallest hook size 4
2 Zones Copthorne and Business park river Tyne
Reg at Copthorne hotel from 11am on Saturday
Fishing Times
Sat 1pm to 5pm
Sunday 1.30pm to 5.30pm
£30 entry for both days
1st in each zone each day gets cono-flex rod plus100% payout
Fish size over 18cm eels at 25cm Smallest hook size 4