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Slinky Kate - 25th May - Longest Day

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  • Slinky Kate - 25th May - Longest Day

    The Longest Day ......... well certainly the longest so far this season ..

    Seemingly there`s a few doubting individuals that dont believe there are two 3 o'clocks each day, well I can confirm it there is .......

    Early start today 3.00am at marina with a view to Catching the last hour of the flood tide and hopefully bagging up a good catch and back home by lunchtime .....

    Oh dear it all went wrong ....... and turned out to be one of the longest days out for some time.

    Stopped off in still almost dark conditions at the usual close in spots outside the piers but after 20 mins or so realised that even the scotchies were not biting.

    So, decided to try some wrecks with pirks dressed with daylights (mackerel catchers) over the top of the tide, hopefully as day broke the mackerel (if they are there yet) would come alive and provide us with loads of fresh bait. Not that we needed any more bait than we had as Tony and Steve had provided well for the the day, including a bucket of fresh and active crabs ......... and stacks of squid .... (and muscle and rag etc etc)

    The sun was just beginning to rise which meant for me a difficult time to fish .......... (can`t leave me camera alone at a sunrise)
    I think deep down I just suggest the early starts to be able to catch the sunrise ...... but don`t tell the crew !

    Pictures and video taken of sunrise and it was off again wreck after wreck all with the same result .......... nothing but snap offs and tackle loss .....

    There was quite a southerly breeze blowing up and although (by the end of the day) it was warm on land the whole day at sea was rather cold (not that the colour of our faces would point that way)

    by 9.00am just an hour or so before low tide we`d caught nothing and covered in excess of 30 miles .........

    Eventually Tony hit into what felt and looked like a good fish only to find it was the biggest Scotchy in the area ...... time got on and a look at the fuel gauge prompted the decision to return to the Marina .....................
    But ONLY for fuel before heading out again rejuvenated and with a mind to catch cod ...........

    As low tide approached Steve started to catch codling and tony and I followed suit, unfortunately ours were scotchies.

    We did all dig into codling over the period however all three of us at some stage lost codling on the lift, whether this was because they simply didn`t want to feed and so had taken the hook lightly or what we don`t know ......

    All in all we covered more than 50 miles over a period of 10 hours with only three fish to return home with, still we all got fish suppers and let a few (or maybe accidently let a few) return to grow bigger .....

    Again as has been said ......... it keeps you on your toes and just goes to show it`s not always an easy catch ........

    From conversations among a few other private boats today we`ve all suffered the same ... a slow catch rate ........ I wonder why , if only we knew ....

    Thanks again to my good friends Steve and Tony for the company and the endless fun all day .......

    Long , it may have been ...... Fun , It WAS

    Not a lot of pics but just a couple with a quickie video at the end

    The obligatory Sunrise

    Tonys Scotchy

    And a couple showing some of Steves codling

    And a quickly put together Video of the day

    cheers for reading

    ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
    . . ,,,,,,___[ ~ \___
    ,,;;`` [_________/-,......... Norman.........

  • #2
    Another mint report and pics Norman sound like ya had a great day well done all
    Feel free to take a look at my blog.

    Cheers eddie t


    • #3
      Bloody hell that is a big Scottie.

      As stated before it keeps you honest and also makes the good days seem better, cracking day at sea i bet thou Norman and a nice tann to boot as well am sure.

      They just not switched on at the moment, lads at work from Whitby today and like Jasons report, putting them back after 2hrs fishing as filled the boxes.

      Wedding next Weekend so cant see me making it out but off Mon-Tue and Wed for a trip out on ym todd.

      Nice pics anyway and next weekend am sure water will clean up, tigers will be in and fish jumping into the boats
      ................__................................ .............................
      ____[ ~ \_____
      SKATE 204lb
      COD 51lb
      LING 32lb
      TOPE 40lb
      CONGER 25lb
      HADDOCK 10lb
      HALIBUT 37lb
      COALIE 16lb
      BLUE SHARK 55lb


      • #4
        Brilliant report again norman

        pity after all the hard work you didnt end up with a boat load of fish i had the same yesterday running all over the place and nothing i did over 40 miles yesterday and marks that have always known to fish are bare

        keep it up they will be here soon

        The beautifull South


        • #5
          Great report as ever Norman.

          50 miles!!! might be worth just heading straight for Whitby next week.

          As Rich says, it just makes the good days seem better.
          Cheers, Keith.


          • #6
            lol keith yup 50, we even went back and re-fuelled at one point
            ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
            . . ,,,,,,___[ ~ \___
            ,,;;`` [_________/-,......... Norman.........


            • #7
              Never mind Norman , the house martins arrived back at our house today , someone told me they arrive the same time as the mackerel do also today was the first day this year it actually felt warm outside in the sunshine .
              Happy, sun drenched ,mackerel, cod and ling filled days must surely be just around the corner now , and as someone else reminded us , it's days like this that make the good ones special .
              Nice video again , I'm going to have a go at that one day , well I keep thinking I will , but when I get out there all I can think about is catching fish

              Great report again , big wedding this weekend so no fishing for me , but your video and pics made me feel like I did get out............. well almost



              • #8
                well done mate great pics and a great video to finish it all off well done
                keep kids off the streets, give them a rod.


                • #9
                  Hard lines on not catching Norman, and crew, but when you are out there you are in another world, and it's just the excitement of what you might catch and the craic with the lads that make it so special. It's cost you a small fortune in fuel, bait, etc. Hope you do better next time out.


                  • #10
                    just the day out with the lads is a bonus and a few fish makes it all worth while its all about enjoying the fishing and cracking weather for a change nice report mate thanks i enjoyed the vid too
                    Panel Pin Champ


                    • #11
                      That is by far the biggest scotchie I have ever seen!
                      Whats going on with the fishing? Looking back to last years catches both on here and our own there were fish everywhere by now? I know May was more settled with less easterlies last season but the size of the fish seems to be smaller as well, it's baffling me anyway! Three weeks at work and all will be good when I get home, here's hoping anyway!



                      • #12
                        It has been a hard 3 weeks fishing for me thats for sure, less than 35 codling for 4 trips out.

                        That EU report i posted on shore fishing says in about 41 year time white fish will be past the point of sustaining and will be ont he road to beign wiped out for good.

                        On a happy note...just had a text from mate at work, he just landed 2 mackerel when bait fishing 4 miles out from Sunderland on royd lures, said tried for more but none yet.

                        Scouts i think
                        ................__................................ .............................
                        ____[ ~ \_____
                        SKATE 204lb
                        COD 51lb
                        LING 32lb
                        TOPE 40lb
                        CONGER 25lb
                        HADDOCK 10lb
                        HALIBUT 37lb
                        COALIE 16lb
                        BLUE SHARK 55lb


                        • #13
                          norman thats how it go,s its a funny old game lol


                          • #14
                            Aye was a very long day - I'm still tired today despite having slept for over 12 hours (mebbes that's why LOL)

                            Plenty of good bait, plenty of enthusiasm but the fishing was perhaps meant to keep us honest for better days ahead or maybe as a kind of cosmological balance for the days we've had already

                            I always enjoy it and count myself very lucky every time

                            As ever big ups to the skipper - craic is always good in spite of the fishing

                            ...til the next time

                            BTW the Scotchie was 1.5lbs on the scales
                            Ooh a new vid!

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                            I AGREE


                            • #15
                              quote "Plenty of good bait, plenty of enthusiasm but the fishing was perhaps meant to keep us honest for better days ahead or maybe as a kind of cosmological balance for the days we've had already "

                              Definitely the cosmnolgulistical thing I reckon


