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    What a palarva !!

    Informed at the beginning of last week by my daughter that she was moving from home to go & share a flat with a mate - informed later same week that the move was going to be THIS weekend !

    Spent the past 2 days playing Mr Shifter.

    Ofcourse, now that she\'s moved out, Ian has taken over her former room - loads more shifting and clearing out.....

    That meant that HIS former room became empty............

    Moved all my computer & photography stuff upstairs into my new hide-away ............sitting here typing this is the 1st time I\'ve sat still the past 2

    Hmmmmm..........hope she doesn\'t decide to move back again

    [Edited on 28/5/2006 by TC]

  • #2
    Pleasure and pain Tony , or pain then pleasure in your case ,the best thing you can do now is move to another house with one less bedroom so she can\'t come
    You can take the lad out of Walker but .......


    • #3
      .......or just move and not tell her


      • #4
        i know the feeling tc
        i attempted to move my daughter last week along with her friend to a flat when we got there the flat hadnt been done up as promised so had to move them both back to their respected homes only for them to finally move into another flat today
        also my son wants her room now with the wallpaper and the boy band pinups removed i told him thats going to be my room to get away from all the stress and 4 when the wife starts the nagging lol ,

        [Edited on 28/5/2006 by fishless]


        • #5
          ah,ha , tony m8 all that hard work eh. just think what happens if she falls out with her m8 and wants to move back or decides she misses her dad so much she cant be away from him . i am not taking the mick but wor jills son moved out 3 year ago with his then partner, they split up and guess what he moved back home,me and jill and a van moving gear back home that we had moved just a few month earlier. 3 month down the line he meets another lass and youv\'e guessed it we move him again....................he splits up, well not true, desides he cant live with her so we move him back home.
          two points here. 1 why cant his mother get rid of him at 26 year old. 2 thats the very last time i help move the.........................................git lol.
          so tony, just cos she\'s moved out does not mean she will not be back.
          i do however wish you all the best and hope she and her m8 have a great time and you dont have the same hastle as jill and i.
          have a good bank holiday monday, i\'m off to bubbles wine bar to watch some rock bands in 3or 4 hours



          • #6
            Mark, I apprecite ALL you say, m8........................

            Went through EXACTLY the same senario about 6 years ago.............

            Daughter got engaged, daughter moved out into flat with finace\' - Ian moved into her old room - my stuff moved into Ian\'s old room after re-decorating it the way I wanted it........engagement broken off 3 months later, so daughter moves back home: My stuff moved back into the dining room, Ian\'s stuff moved back into his old room, daughter moves back into HER old room.........

            Only hope THIS move lasts a wee bit

            [Edited on 29/5/2006 by TC]


            • #7
              tony m8 i hope so too


              • #8
                why dont you make yourself a little music room tony?
                "Some Times You Win, Some Time The Fish Wins, Thats Why It's Called Fishing, Not Catching"!
                Tight Lines,
                jonny mc


                • #9
                  .......or just move and not tell her
                  Sounds like good choice this time TC.

                  Could be worse I\'m moving again where I\'d rather not be but family matters dictate, Still should have more rooms to lock myself away in. Cheap beer required now due to increase in mortgage thanks. :P :P :P

