\".........rhetoric for which I fail to see the point .......\"
I\'m struggling to see the point in your areguement there, Chris.....
\"......Even if you don\'t drive a car, you are likely to jump on a bus or train now and again......\"
I agree, but you get an awful lot more people in a train or on a bus than you do in a car, which cuts down on the number of pollution \"generators\" eg cars. How many cars do you see on the road with only one occupant, the driver in ???
\".......even if you walk to the corner shop for your fags, they will probably have been delivered by a van that uses petrol or diesel!\"
so does the \"healthy stuff\" make its own, eco-friendly, way to the shop??
\"he next revenue earner for the treasury will be additional tiers of VAT so that things deemed to be health hazards like BigMacs, chocolate and sweets will be taxed at a higher rate than the current 17.5% VAT.2
so there we have it again.........as well as the smokers propping up the NHS, the fast food eaters will be doing the same (and will probably STILL be penalised by being refused the treatment they\'ve paid additional taxes for).
Ban jogging and all physical amatuer sports !
I\'ve seen more man hours / days work lost at our place through injuries, strains, pulled muscles, etc, than there ever are through smoking related causes.....and it\'s me (and other smokers) who substantially subsidise any NHS treatment they recieve.......lol.....talk about smokers being selfish and irresponsible !
[Edited on 16/2/2006 by TC]
[Edited on 16/2/2006 by TC]
I\'m struggling to see the point in your areguement there, Chris.....
\"......Even if you don\'t drive a car, you are likely to jump on a bus or train now and again......\"
I agree, but you get an awful lot more people in a train or on a bus than you do in a car, which cuts down on the number of pollution \"generators\" eg cars. How many cars do you see on the road with only one occupant, the driver in ???
\".......even if you walk to the corner shop for your fags, they will probably have been delivered by a van that uses petrol or diesel!\"
so does the \"healthy stuff\" make its own, eco-friendly, way to the shop??
\"he next revenue earner for the treasury will be additional tiers of VAT so that things deemed to be health hazards like BigMacs, chocolate and sweets will be taxed at a higher rate than the current 17.5% VAT.2
so there we have it again.........as well as the smokers propping up the NHS, the fast food eaters will be doing the same (and will probably STILL be penalised by being refused the treatment they\'ve paid additional taxes for).
Ban jogging and all physical amatuer sports !
I\'ve seen more man hours / days work lost at our place through injuries, strains, pulled muscles, etc, than there ever are through smoking related causes.....and it\'s me (and other smokers) who substantially subsidise any NHS treatment they recieve.......lol.....talk about smokers being selfish and irresponsible !
[Edited on 16/2/2006 by TC]
[Edited on 16/2/2006 by TC]