per kilo? Get a bag and weigh them, the ****ers never sit still so no weight and they are free. Individually, it depends on the plummage and hoveringness
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Humming Birds
Hummingbirds have no legs or feet. Obviously, hummingbirds do not fly continuously around the clock. In fact, they spend far more time perching than flying, but they\'re so small they\'re not always easy to see when sitting on a branch. Curiously, hummingbirds are classified (along with the swifts) in the Apodidiformes, a bird family that means \"no feet.\" The legs of hummingbirds are very short; in fact, the four toes on each foot are almost as long as the leg itself. To counter this myth, simply ask: Would Perky-Pet waste money putting perches on feeders if hummingbirds had no feet to perch with? Or, Where would a hummingbird bander put the leg band if hummrs had no feet or legs?
A hummming bird on a branch is no use to anyone. Malingerers, I\'ve seen photos of hummingbirds hoverring about when they\'re meant to be static. Christmas lights all around their floaty nests. They are nothing more than Sloths, without the hair, toes, heads and that but with little quick wings, long freaky tongues and debatable legs.
"I mock thee not, though I by thee am mockéd.
Thou call'st me madman, but I call thee blockhead"