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Locked up for 90 days on the whim of the Gissies

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  • #16
    I once got nicked for jumping over a barrier in N/cle (straight into the path of an oncoming police car (Silly me)

    I explained to the \"officers\" that I\'d finished work and been to the gym and just wanted to get home to me Mum and me dinner!!

    They didn\'t believe me and charged me with being drunk and disorderly and locked me up for the night.

    Thing is: I was telling the truth! And on the day of the court hearing my solicitor produced a list of 21 witnesses plus times and places, to prove (without reasonable doubt, tee hee) that I could not have been drunk.

    Under section \"blah blah\" of the \"such and such\" Act I elected to stand trial in a Crown Court with my witnesses to prove my innocence. All fine and dandy \'till the court asked for the police report.

    A fine upstanding pig (I mean pillar of our community) said,

    \"your worships, his eyes were glazed and his speach was slurred\".

    Verdict: \"guilty\" and sentenced to a fine and denied a trail.

    All this happened a long time ago (the police car was a Hillman Imp! ) but If they\'d charged me under a \"terrorist act\" ie. (jumping over the barrier in a terrorist like way) how could I have defended myself?

    Not Mr Blair etc. The law has been a farce since it was invented and is an institution that cannot now be challenged (\"or your nicked sonny boy\").

    1 day, 90 days or whatever: \"where there\'s police force (backed up by a demorcratic European, American \"civilized\" government boo blah) there\'s a way\"

    To sum up, the police will always do what they want (after all, they dont have to be elected!), they\'re the babies of \"any\" political party along with the BBC and the Guffwrap military wan***kers who smoke cigars with binliners on their heads and a whole (Israeli) jaffa orange pinched (lighty/tighty) between the buttocks. Or is it a binliner on the head with orange in the mouth and cigar (alight of course) stuck (pleasently/pleasently) up their ar***se? Answers on a postcard to any tory MP or councellor. no questions please.

    Regards, Graham


    • #17
      say what you mean graham

      too bloody true



      • #18
        All TV, radio media etc is \"b*o*l*l*o*c*k*s\" (hope u can work out my encryption), they so smart that we dont know! Hi Sless, I\'m still jealous of ya long ling :P
        Regards, Graham

