just took delivery of another Mac here in la la land, and am now sat here looking at te sea of technology in front of me and got to wondering, how many led\'s can I see from me desk, quite a frightening really, more than enough Gallium Arsenide to kill a small herd of mongeese, should one ever happen by this way,
9 on the various cpu\'s, monitors and laptop,
18 on the scanners/printers
6 on the firewall
4 on the UPS
a stonking 74 on the switch
4 on the fax
4 on the phone
just realised there\'s 5 in the mice
and the most important of all, one on the \'ickle fridge under me desk
came up with a grand total of 125 leds
When I was bairn I was just happy when the batteries didn\'t run out on me torch (very traumatic having the batteries fail on your torch when your reading(!) your brothers \'magazines\' under the covers)
9 on the various cpu\'s, monitors and laptop,
18 on the scanners/printers
6 on the firewall
4 on the UPS
a stonking 74 on the switch
4 on the fax
4 on the phone
just realised there\'s 5 in the mice
and the most important of all, one on the \'ickle fridge under me desk
came up with a grand total of 125 leds
When I was bairn I was just happy when the batteries didn\'t run out on me torch (very traumatic having the batteries fail on your torch when your reading(!) your brothers \'magazines\' under the covers)