one day in a far off time, I will be able to upgrade my tin can/string based communications system.
Started downloading something I\'ve been after for a while on the 8th of february, its now only got 2hrs left to complete, that, according to my maths is nearly a week.
Now whats the betting it won\'t work when its finished, iether that or the nasty TCP/IP fairies will drop my connection just before its finished and it\'ll have to start all over again!
Started downloading something I\'ve been after for a while on the 8th of february, its now only got 2hrs left to complete, that, according to my maths is nearly a week.
Now whats the betting it won\'t work when its finished, iether that or the nasty TCP/IP fairies will drop my connection just before its finished and it\'ll have to start all over again!