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Junior Doctors

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  • Junior Doctors

    I get the feeling even more so now, and always have that governments over the years have used junior doctors to keep the health service going. To me a junior doctor is like an apprentice and there is no other occupation over the years where apprentices work more hours than a normal working day 9-5pm, they where never allowed to work over time. These new working practices should not be forced upon people they should be given the option if they want to work weekends, night it might suit some but they should be paid extra for doing it. Over tiredness is a known killer I have had a few accidents in the work shop when I have been a bit tired, at least I only hurt myself. Of course they have the other option if they don't like the conditions, if they are forced to go with them, and that is resign, that would give the powers that be something to think about, and I am sure they could find other employment elsewhere, South Africa springs to mind where young doctors clamour to get jobs in some hospitals to gain experience in A & E with stab and gunshot wounds, more in a week than most doctors deal with in their life time. Hope common sense prevails and they come to some agreement.

  • #2
    give them whatever they wan't I say,
    we all need them at some time in our lives.

