having got this far in life, I thought one of the few certainties I could rely on wsa that fact that I would never have chicken pox. How wrong could i be.
on the soles of my feet, in my eyelids, in my ears, up my nose as well as the several hundred on my bod, and the masses of them gathered in the trouser department make having a dump or taking a leak a joy t be hold. the doctor was quite delighted when he told me he\'d never seen a case quite so bad and asked if he could take some pictures - whatever floats your boat I suppose. Had the whole week booked off, free from work, flat calm seas thought I\'d be out there every day. Just going through the blister to pus filled scab, itchier than an itchy thing covered in itching powder stage at the moment, so might not be contagious by the weekend, although I will still resemble a medieval plague sufferer by then I suppose.
Ok I\'m off to peel myself and roll in salt to take my mind off em now
on the soles of my feet, in my eyelids, in my ears, up my nose as well as the several hundred on my bod, and the masses of them gathered in the trouser department make having a dump or taking a leak a joy t be hold. the doctor was quite delighted when he told me he\'d never seen a case quite so bad and asked if he could take some pictures - whatever floats your boat I suppose. Had the whole week booked off, free from work, flat calm seas thought I\'d be out there every day. Just going through the blister to pus filled scab, itchier than an itchy thing covered in itching powder stage at the moment, so might not be contagious by the weekend, although I will still resemble a medieval plague sufferer by then I suppose.
Ok I\'m off to peel myself and roll in salt to take my mind off em now