Got a meeting tomorrow and been told I've got to wear "The Suit" thought fair enough - I look lush in it anyway, while I'm at it I may as well have a wesh and a haircut. Mammy gets the clippers out, half way through the rascals stop cutting, farted about and no joy. Half a barnet 9:30pm, meeting first thing in the morn. Mother says "Have you got a hat?" . Rang me 1 mate and asked if he had any -"Aye they're a bit blunt though cos we've been using them on the dog" Champion . Quick blast to Boldon Asda, I sat in the car in me slippers and shorts looking like one of Schindler's list - 40 notes down (Babyliss Ishave or summat) and jobs a good un.
Never a dull moment
Never a dull moment