well went down cullercoats early doors for a few chucks holy hell it was a graveyard me flux and john k lost every end tackle every cast so we decided to move thought the river might be worth a shot few casts in and low and behold more snags god never known it but then the boyo mr k decided to pull in a very very very nice 5 lb codling photos attached well done kidda i was happy to give it a lil smack with the priest for him all in all he had 3 codling for about 6 lb ( i say 3 it was 2 and an egg lol) cant say owt i christened my rod with a bloody rockling no happy missed a nice one at the death that snapped my trace well it felt nice knowing my luck lately was probs 3 fecking rockling all going for my yellowtail all in all well done john belta fish son
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rubber factory 12 11 2011
Nice fish was ther a was the lad who got the 1lb harf and lent your scales was a woopa lyk ;DCod can only juge me if am a haddock https://www.facebook.com/groups/141034916010629/