fish down roker last night sea prediction wasnt as expected but still a few fish turned up me mate stu lost a good fish coming in this happened twice im assuming they was light lipped he had 2 size out tho a while later 1lb1/2 -2lb mark i had 2 the same and one undersize and a dab i kept 2 fish that was right down best was 3lb 5 ounces the other one went back i had to nash at this time to be up in the morning ,stu rang later saying he had hes first ever dogfish local not sure if he had owt else yet few pics i will add when he gets out his pit
forgot to mention one of the codling coughed up a sandeel as seen on one the pics and when gutting the 3lb.5 one it was full of sandeel
forgot to mention one of the codling coughed up a sandeel as seen on one the pics and when gutting the 3lb.5 one it was full of sandeel