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steetley 20/2/10
I'd just like to know if that's a carrier bag or a swing-bin liner in the top of the pic. We've been getting our swing bin liners from Aldi and they're rubbish for splitting at the least thing, anyone recommend a decent place to get some stronger ones (which bait and rigs to use of course would help).
as i aint been over this side for long, only a couple years i can only comment on the systems used in the mersey, sanis towelus or the blob fish can be taken on paternoster rigs, various baits work, durexius rubberus or the mersey goldfish is better on a long trace, however occasionally you get a real lunker, shopingli trollyius, or the wire cage fish, these can be taken usually on the retrieve however bagiusforlifeiti gives one hell of a fight on light tackle especially in a flowing tide
Originally posted by treeboa View Postas i aint been over this side for long, only a couple years i can only comment on the systems used in the mersey, sanis towelus or the blob fish can be taken on paternoster rigs, various baits work, durexius rubberus or the mersey goldfish is better on a long trace, however occasionally you get a real lunker, shopingli trollyius, or the wire cage fish, these can be taken usually on the retrieve however bagiusforlifeiti gives one hell of a fight on light tackle especially in a flowing tide
i can sort out this matter... kindly send the fish to me bring some chips with it and i will let all of yous know if it is a whitey or a coalie......Punch and pull then let rip
NESA Lure Fishing Challenge 2011 Winner
UK species : Cod, Whiting, Poor Cod, Whiting, Mackerel, Coalie, Pollack, Rockling, Bass, Plaice, Flounder, Dab, Grannylasher, Pouting, Launce, Weaver, Sandeel, Ballan wrasse. eelpout
Global species: jewfish/big eye croaker,catfish(Sagor/African/Silver), whip ray, snapper, grouper, pufferfish,threadfin, trevally,stingray, mangrove shark, flowerhorn,
2014 combo:
Kompressor SS /slosh30
tt sport /525 mag