me and my dad (centurian) went fishing down horden at the tank blocks from 22:00 to 05:30 and had a very good sesh.
first cast i had a whitie within 10 mins of it hittin the water. had another eight whities through the night, most of which were sizable but only kept 1 for my dad.
he had 5 whities and four were of size, he kept three of his for his tea and put the others back.
all fish that were retured were returned back alive.
first cast i had a whitie within 10 mins of it hittin the water. had another eight whities through the night, most of which were sizable but only kept 1 for my dad.
he had 5 whities and four were of size, he kept three of his for his tea and put the others back.
all fish that were retured were returned back alive.