First trip on the pier this year, started 3 weeks sooner than normal and I should of went of the last 11 years worth of records lol.
Fished for 3hrs low water up and caught 1 colie and 1 small codling on bait from the south west corner, then spent 45 mins with daylights and redgills as the water had cleaned up alot when high tide came but only ended up with a hard fighting gull that was released ok.
Like I stated above its a few weeks to soon for colie and sandeel on the daylights and it turned some heads but worth a bash. Caught mackerel in May from shields so why not colie and eel in April :0)
Anyway 2 more weeks then the next big tide will post again.
Fished for 3hrs low water up and caught 1 colie and 1 small codling on bait from the south west corner, then spent 45 mins with daylights and redgills as the water had cleaned up alot when high tide came but only ended up with a hard fighting gull that was released ok.
Like I stated above its a few weeks to soon for colie and sandeel on the daylights and it turned some heads but worth a bash. Caught mackerel in May from shields so why not colie and eel in April :0)
Anyway 2 more weeks then the next big tide will post again.