Cleadon SAC Match result 10.09.18
1st, Paul Wastell 2 fish for 2364g
Also Winning H/F. 1204g
2nd, Gary McHugh 1 fish for 522g
3rd, Lance McVay, 1 fish for 504g
4th, Andy Brotherton 1 fish for 356g
Not a great weigh-in. Well done to all who fished and weighed in.
1st, Paul Wastell 2 fish for 2364g
Also Winning H/F. 1204g
2nd, Gary McHugh 1 fish for 522g
3rd, Lance McVay, 1 fish for 504g
4th, Andy Brotherton 1 fish for 356g
Not a great weigh-in. Well done to all who fished and weighed in.