Cleadon SAC Match result 03.09.18
1st, Norman Spours 3 fish 1446g
2nd, Lance McVey 2 fish for 1122g
3rd, Andy Brotherton, 1 fish for 964g
Also Winning H/F.
4th, Micky Adams 1 fish for 586g
5th, Paul Wastell, 1fish for 564g
6th, Steve Taarland, 1 fish for 418g
7th, Mark Daglish, 1 fish for 226g
Well done to all who fished and weighed in.
1st, Norman Spours 3 fish 1446g
2nd, Lance McVey 2 fish for 1122g
3rd, Andy Brotherton, 1 fish for 964g
Also Winning H/F.
4th, Micky Adams 1 fish for 586g
5th, Paul Wastell, 1fish for 564g
6th, Steve Taarland, 1 fish for 418g
7th, Mark Daglish, 1 fish for 226g
Well done to all who fished and weighed in.