Cleadon SAC
Match Results 13/11/16
22 Members fished, 4 returned to the scales.
Michael Atchinson 3lb 7oz *HB Winner* &
*Heaviest Fish* 2lb,Cod,
Mark Daglish, 2 fish for 3lb 2oz,
Ian McGlochlan, 2 fish for 2lb 15oz,
John Mack 1 fish for 12oz.
Another poor weigh-in. Fish still not showing in any numbers.
Well done to Michael, winning heaviest bag & heaviest fish.
Well done to all Anglers who fished.
Match Results 13/11/16
22 Members fished, 4 returned to the scales.
Michael Atchinson 3lb 7oz *HB Winner* &
*Heaviest Fish* 2lb,Cod,
Mark Daglish, 2 fish for 3lb 2oz,
Ian McGlochlan, 2 fish for 2lb 15oz,
John Mack 1 fish for 12oz.
Another poor weigh-in. Fish still not showing in any numbers.
Well done to Michael, winning heaviest bag & heaviest fish.
Well done to all Anglers who fished.