10 Members fished
1st Phil Smithson (Eel) 1lb 2oz
Heaviest Fish Phil Smithson (Eel) 1lb 2oz
No other fish brought to the scales
Very disappointing night for all concerned in less than ideal conditions on that occasion
14 Members fished - 8 members weighed in a total of 11 fish
1st Phil Smithson (2 Codling, 1 Coalfish) 3lb 9oz
2nd Paul Roper (Codling) 1lb 10oz
3rd Andrew Dodds (2 Flounder) 1lb 3oz
Heaviest Fish Paul Roper (Codling) 1lb 10oz
10 Members fished
1st Phil Smithson (Eel) 1lb 2oz
Heaviest Fish Phil Smithson (Eel) 1lb 2oz
No other fish brought to the scales
Very disappointing night for all concerned in less than ideal conditions on that occasion
14 Members fished - 8 members weighed in a total of 11 fish
1st Phil Smithson (2 Codling, 1 Coalfish) 3lb 9oz
2nd Paul Roper (Codling) 1lb 10oz
3rd Andrew Dodds (2 Flounder) 1lb 3oz
Heaviest Fish Paul Roper (Codling) 1lb 10oz