I found a picture of this casting aid on a discussion forum - looks like the dog\'s b***cks to me!
This was the accompanying text:
\"No schock leader needed here.The sturgeon fishermen on the Columbia River routinely cast,or shoot 16 ozs and bait 300 yds.It is a hugh sling shot tentioned down to the trip device by a hand or electric wench.The line is loaded onto the five gallon bucket spool for less resistance.A line foot counter tells how much line to load from the reel onto the bucket.The line spools off the bucket for about 10 to 12 seconds before touchdown. \"
Guess what I want next Christmas?
This was the accompanying text:
\"No schock leader needed here.The sturgeon fishermen on the Columbia River routinely cast,or shoot 16 ozs and bait 300 yds.It is a hugh sling shot tentioned down to the trip device by a hand or electric wench.The line is loaded onto the five gallon bucket spool for less resistance.A line foot counter tells how much line to load from the reel onto the bucket.The line spools off the bucket for about 10 to 12 seconds before touchdown. \"
Guess what I want next Christmas?