David,I was wondering if you could help me out? me and me mate were fishing at Cullercoats on Sat. nite but I would like the name of the mark we were fishing,the best I can describe it is ....the north side of the harbour is a small skeer that runs maybe 50-70 yards,maybe not even that,the next skeer to the north is the spot, it\'s a tough skeer to get along because of the awkward angle of the rocks and stones, at the end of it there is a retangle shape cut into the rock which looked like it had a metal frame around it,this is about 2-3 ft deep and I would\'nt like to fall in it in the dark,me mate has fished here before but does\'nt know the name of the place,any advice would be great. thanks
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Nancys is the one nearest the pier, Goatsies is the biggest and widest one. Marys is the little one next to the Goatsies and the Warriors you can\'t see. South Crab Hill is on the south side of the Harbour to the left of the skeers in the photo, got to from Tynemouth Beach rather than the Harbour. South Rock Hole is at the top of the south side of the harbour, casting more towards the South Crab Hill.
I think lol
[Edited on 6/12/2005 by Stores]
Aye,TC it\'s the third bit of hard ground from the bottom left of your photo,dunno what it\'s called but had 2 for 7odd pound there on sat.
Sless have got the book,still waiting for Vol 2 cullercoats/tynemouth marks,was doing a bit homework for the Northern team...
Apology accepted. Note from your mam next time.
If it was the Nancys then I can honestly say I have never seen anyone fish there at low water since I was a lad fishing the Tynemouth Open. Fished into it once or twice off the pier but never at low tide.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah..... thinking now......QUIET THAT BOY AT THE BACK !!!!!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT...........were you casting left or right of the skeer? Right puts you in the Nancys, left doesn\'t.
[Edited on 7/12/2005 by Stores]
Yes Alan, off the north pier. Be warned though that lovely sloping seaward side has washed any number of people off in the past. Even more have got a drooking by holding onto the rails on the steps (don\'t actually know if they\'re still there now). Most people who fish the pier tend to cast either into the middle of the harbour, between the piers, or up the skeers, level with the end of the pier and most wing it way beyond the Nancys. Lesson to be learnt there, maybe.
On TC\'s map,I scrambled along the goatsies hoying up the skeer to my left ,I would say that the opening between the two skeers here is about 40-50 yards.To my right from where I was standing looked like I could get a chuck but would have to try and pull a fish over a submerged ledge,( did\'nt like the look of..)which from the map looked as if this was a continuation of the Nancy\'s.Did\'nt hang around for long tho,as I was\'nt sure about getting cut off at the back of us..cheers