Top club 5 man team £25 per team
saturday 10th november 2018
fishing 9am to 1pm
weign in south beach club 130pm to 215pm blyth
boundaries tynemouth pier to amble pier normal open rules
top 3 clubs receive trophies and cash 100% pay out
heaviest fish 1st 2nd 3rd trophies and cash plus winner gets the sca cup to hold for one year
there will be a free buffet at south beach club and a raffle to raise money for karl charity rnli tynemouth ,and presentation
if anyone would like to donate a raffle prize, that would be great
for any more info see steve sherman 07951812624
or chris robson from tynemouth club.
saturday 10th november 2018
fishing 9am to 1pm
weign in south beach club 130pm to 215pm blyth
boundaries tynemouth pier to amble pier normal open rules
top 3 clubs receive trophies and cash 100% pay out
heaviest fish 1st 2nd 3rd trophies and cash plus winner gets the sca cup to hold for one year
there will be a free buffet at south beach club and a raffle to raise money for karl charity rnli tynemouth ,and presentation
if anyone would like to donate a raffle prize, that would be great
for any more info see steve sherman 07951812624
or chris robson from tynemouth club.