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Reducers ??
simon, the haggish humper could tell you more about the haggis and the reducer as i am not old enough, so the nutter in the field is your man, he has got some weird and wonderfull reducers for all types of haggismade in s.w. scotland.
Kev I think you will find it started with tournament caster and then spead from there. infact you will find it is still used must in tournament casting for exactly the reason I mentioned in my previous post(small hands) or for the need to get more of a grip on the reel, world champion and world record holder Danny Mosceops casts of the reducer for this purpose as he has small hands and even with the small diameter butts he uses he still has bother griping the reelMany a true word is said in jest!
spot on simon, the south africans were the first one\'s i know of using reducers, they used big, one piece, very fast taper rods some of which had a butt dia of nearly 2\"!
casting with the reel low was impossible with such a large dia so they put a piece of thick walled glass with a lower dia in the bottom of the butt so they could hold the reel, reducing the dia