sadly I have to tell you that Lenny McGregor passed away last night after a long battle with cancer, a lot of the old Tynemouth members and those that fished around Cullercoats will of know him well, when I get details of the funeral I will post them here
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Lenny McGregor
a hell of a lad but likeable by b.o.t.a.c members , run the club with john,and alan for a while,i fished a lot of the local marks next to him. r.i.p. davy.PB
COD 21-15-0 Tynemouth pier R/M match
COD 20-4-0 Sharpness, Tynemouth open
Ballan Wrasse 5-6-0 Seahouses summer league
Pollock 11-5-8 ST Abbs Spinning sandeel
Dogfish 2-15-14 Tynemouth pier match R/M
Coaly 3-5-8 Tynemouth pier match r/m2011
Cod =, Coaly, Whiten, Dab, Flounder, Plaice, Gurnard, Weaver, Rockling, Pouting, Wrasse, Mackerel, Sea scorpion, all of tynemouth pier