Copiied this from a post to uk.local.geordie this morning.
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as i went from the lighthouse to the beach at whitley bay this morning
at 6:30am I spotted a big dead fish on the stones just below the
barister. it looked like a giant eel. it was about 6-7\' long and i
would say it had a diameter of 6-7\".
Anybody seen it? what is ?
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One suggestion was a conger, which sounds a possibility, although I\'m not too sure about the length to diam ratio.
Anybody here have any info?
If it was a conger it was a good un.
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as i went from the lighthouse to the beach at whitley bay this morning
at 6:30am I spotted a big dead fish on the stones just below the
barister. it looked like a giant eel. it was about 6-7\' long and i
would say it had a diameter of 6-7\".
Anybody seen it? what is ?
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One suggestion was a conger, which sounds a possibility, although I\'m not too sure about the length to diam ratio.
Anybody here have any info?
If it was a conger it was a good un.