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catch report from up oor way ;o)

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  • catch report from up oor way ;o)

    AndyB and myself went to a mark that will only be known as mark x last night and had 2 codling each to 2&1/2lb and i lost a decent fish on the retrieve we had to move from mark x 3hrs after low/w as the sea was building all the time so we went to the beach at arbroath and AndyB added another 3 to his total,with two of them like twins at 3lb+each and the 3rd returned and i added one more codling and a ****poke,have a picture but cant post it as carndearg is still down at my end,bervie beach produced a few fish last night aswell for a while before the weed took over as per usual.

    top bait craband lug closely followed by lug and razor.


  • #2
    gogs keep sending down the reports from north of the border as Im sure I speak for the rest of your geordie cousins we like to know what u r up to as we seem to spend a lot of time up there .
    ps stay off the heavy makes u mental chrs Mat


    • #3
      Rod fished on Saturdy at one of the marks you gave me. He got 6 codling though 4 were under size. The other two guys got 1 between them so thanks for the info


      • #4
        David i wrote the number down that you gave me for rod and left it in the house (doh ) i would have gave him a ring when we headed back down to arbroath as it was still early enough for him to come out to play never mind at least he got some fish,there are a lot of small fish around just now,the better stamp will be here soon

        matty drinking heavy is like better of drinking nelson mandella it tastse better :P


