Hull 19 & 20th July
The two day meeting was the final gathering of regional stakeholders to look at the 550 man hours of consultation, over a period 15 months from all sectors including our own. We spent the first day getting an overview of the past 15 months work and the stakeholder feedback then to review the final recommendations of each site. MCZ are now presented as RMCZ ( recommended). The second day was taken up with discussing draft management measures.
There has been no change to the RMCZ and reference areas in our region. You will have to look at the interactive map that I have posted previously. MCZ Interactive Map But to sum it up for Most RSA in the NE region you have one area, Marshall Meadows from the Scottish border to just north of the caravan park in Berwick out to the mean low water mark that is a reference area so no human activity, that would include fishing and bait collection. I have only been contacted by one person regarding this site that is fairly inaccessible due to the cliffs and terrain it was a much better deal than the preferred sites by many stakeholders at Amble and St Marys Island and they listened to our argument supported by the local inshore commercial fishermen. The other main RMCZ is called Coquet to St Mary the name gives the location, it runs down the coast like a dog bone out to about 4 miles at each end and a mile strip linking the two ends. There are no restrictions in this site as it considered “to maintain” its current condition and no reference area. The River Aln is also a RMCZ again with no reference area and set “to maintain” so no management measures there is also a caveat that all RSA activity remains unchanged. All RMCZ and reference areas out in the North North Sea can be viewed on the interactive map and anyone requiring more information, contact me.
All the above are draft and recommendations and subject to impact assessments for each site and will go to Natural England and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee by the end of this year a public consultation will then take place in the Summer of 2012 and possibly be law by the end of the year.
This report is just a small part of the work but hopefully it puts you guys in the picture as regard going out fishing and bait collecting.
Just as a footnote I have grave reservations for the future especially with regard for licensing of RSA and registration of small boats and boat angling. I am attending a meeting regarding the new government initiative called “Sea Angling 2012” this is a data collection survey of RSA and I believe the results could lead to regulation and ultimately licensing and the Northern Fed has a policy after consultation with members of no support as does the Angling Trust and RSA-UK.
I will update you all as and when on the above.
Old but relevant now called article 55
Hull 19 & 20th July
The two day meeting was the final gathering of regional stakeholders to look at the 550 man hours of consultation, over a period 15 months from all sectors including our own. We spent the first day getting an overview of the past 15 months work and the stakeholder feedback then to review the final recommendations of each site. MCZ are now presented as RMCZ ( recommended). The second day was taken up with discussing draft management measures.
There has been no change to the RMCZ and reference areas in our region. You will have to look at the interactive map that I have posted previously. MCZ Interactive Map But to sum it up for Most RSA in the NE region you have one area, Marshall Meadows from the Scottish border to just north of the caravan park in Berwick out to the mean low water mark that is a reference area so no human activity, that would include fishing and bait collection. I have only been contacted by one person regarding this site that is fairly inaccessible due to the cliffs and terrain it was a much better deal than the preferred sites by many stakeholders at Amble and St Marys Island and they listened to our argument supported by the local inshore commercial fishermen. The other main RMCZ is called Coquet to St Mary the name gives the location, it runs down the coast like a dog bone out to about 4 miles at each end and a mile strip linking the two ends. There are no restrictions in this site as it considered “to maintain” its current condition and no reference area. The River Aln is also a RMCZ again with no reference area and set “to maintain” so no management measures there is also a caveat that all RSA activity remains unchanged. All RMCZ and reference areas out in the North North Sea can be viewed on the interactive map and anyone requiring more information, contact me.
All the above are draft and recommendations and subject to impact assessments for each site and will go to Natural England and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee by the end of this year a public consultation will then take place in the Summer of 2012 and possibly be law by the end of the year.
This report is just a small part of the work but hopefully it puts you guys in the picture as regard going out fishing and bait collecting.
Just as a footnote I have grave reservations for the future especially with regard for licensing of RSA and registration of small boats and boat angling. I am attending a meeting regarding the new government initiative called “Sea Angling 2012” this is a data collection survey of RSA and I believe the results could lead to regulation and ultimately licensing and the Northern Fed has a policy after consultation with members of no support as does the Angling Trust and RSA-UK.
I will update you all as and when on the above.
Old but relevant now called article 55