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  • Nesa

    there is thread on here at the moment saying nesa not what it used, well I disagree, maybe members not coming on in numbers and not posting as many tales , stories, jokes or whatever , but the the members do rally round when the chips is down for someone and there are lots of members only too willing to help if and when they can, like when kayos and his good lady needed boats to take them out when the weather let them down,and codseeker who broke down one night and paul Harrison helped him home, also fishing gear left and have been returned
    and the many who has lost rods or stolen and help been offerd to them and reg nearly always around give something away, have seen many members do similar over the years since I joined
    and the latest helper eddie Jackson who has gave me a rod and refusing payment so come on you member s give a big thanks and praise to the many that has helped and keep NESA going , that I what nesa is about a swell ..thanks a gain eddie

  • #2
    Well said Waco m8 remember lads its only a very small minority who put nesa down and slag it off the same people who say the same old bla bla bla if its so bad instead of whining about it get on hear and do something about it like some positive crack if its not up to your standard theirs always the locker


    • #3
      I'll second that had loads of help and a few bargains off the lads on here top site and top lads.even came across a few decent mackems which i wasn't aware existed😉


      • #4
        Well said mate. Lost a rod only few weeks ago in wind and offers came in for me to borrow stuff...


        • #5
          Originally posted by waco View Post
          codseeker who broke down one night and paul Harrison helped him home,
          my hero lol
          Panel Pin Champ


          • #6
            well said, seems we have lost a good mod, keith, because all the bitchin.
            so come on lads, where's your nesa spirit.


            • #7
              Cracking site this, the lads helped me a lot when I took up sea fishing a few years back. Long may it continue.


              • #8
                In any group there are gooduns and badduns. Hopefully the gooduns keep the site going and shoot down the gobsh#+es whenever they raise their ugly heads.
                Last edited by fozally; 25-12-2015, 09:46 PM.
                A bad days fishing is better than a good day at work.


                • #9
                  Great post. If it wasn't for NESA we would still be hopeless amateurs! ................................................. Oh wait a minute!

                  Seriously, NESA is the best site on the net, bar none!

                  We have met so many wonderful people and are eternally grateful to them all.
                  2016 - Cod, Dab, Dogfish, Gurnard, Ling, Mackerel, Saithe, Scorpian fish. .


                  • #10
                    Great forum n long may it continue


                    • #11
                      I go on other local fishing sites as well but I can honestly say that if I want some advice or want to listen to anglers that know what they're talking about, this is the site I turn too.

                      Having just moved to Northumberland and trying to learn marks as a solo fisherman without much of a clue, the people on this board have been invaluable to me. Long may it continue.


                      • #12
                        Nice to here that robbo, northumberland is a lovely large place
                        ZZiplex m427, Hulk model
                        Okuma trio Rex
                        Aerlex 7000xsa
                        Penn spinfisher 7500 lc

