Due to the rather obvious lack of fish around the Durham/Sunderland area, me and Vinny the Ancient Mariner decided to the rock marks of Beadnall; namely Knacker hole. Unfortunatley the sea was so away that it was getting to dangerous after about 30 mins so we headed for Beadnall point. Unfortunately the rip was so strong, our 6 once grippers were ripped down the skeer at approx 400 feet per second, and the rods pulled off the tripod; unfishable!!!! After another fruitless 30 minutes we decided to head back to Seaham beach, only to find a sea which resembled the end scene in Point Break. we fished on undeterred, without a single knock. Our fishing was however, interupted by a car load of kids who decided to strip off and skinny dip!!! They lasted about 7 seconds before hypothermia and other cold related injuries set in, well done idiots. Still, we got to see some boobs (very cold ones too!)Oh, and a baby seal in Beadnall. Baits used; everthing!!! Not a single knock.
Cheers to eveyone who chipped in with the advice regarding the targets though, much appreciated lads.
Cheers to eveyone who chipped in with the advice regarding the targets though, much appreciated lads.