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  • #16
    From the WD40 website -

    "Myth: WD-40 contains fish oil.
    Consumers have told us over the years that they have caught some of the biggest fish ever after protecting their fish hooks and lures with WD-40. We believe this legend came from folks assuming that the product must contain fish oil since it appears to attract fish. Sorry Charlie®, it just ain’t so.

    WD-40 Company has taken steps to respect and conserve the environment, and encourages its users to do the same. While WD-40 can be used to help protect fishing equipment from rust and corrosion, WD-40 Company does not recommend using WD-40 to attract fish."


    • #17
      most interesting ....perhaps it was coincidence that the spray of wd40 resulted in a hook up ....come to think of it i do think it was coincidence .....
      Punch and pull then let rip

      NESA Lure Fishing Challenge 2011 Winner

      UK species : Cod, Whiting, Poor Cod, Whiting, Mackerel, Coalie, Pollack, Rockling, Bass, Plaice, Flounder, Dab, Grannylasher, Pouting, Launce, Weaver, Sandeel, Ballan wrasse. eelpout

      Global species: jewfish/big eye croaker,catfish(Sagor/African/Silver), whip ray, snapper, grouper, pufferfish,threadfin, trevally,stingray, mangrove shark, flowerhorn,

      2014 combo:
      Kompressor SS /slosh30
      tt sport /525 mag


      • #18
        If WD40 is used with fishbaits it will emulsify the oils and that may help with the attraction.

