Here’s how to use a multiplier.
Ok quite a few of us will have been using a multiplier for years this article is aimed at those who are starting or thinking of purchasing a multiplier instead of the fixed spool reel or ‘egg whisk’
Never be put off using a multiplier, more distance can be achieved, relatively easy by using one of these following a few basic rules:-
Fill the reel with 20lb to 30lb line keeping in mind that casting will be reduced if heavier line is used
The spool should be filled to around 4mm from the spool rim
First trap the spool with the right thumb, assuming you are right handed, next put the reel into free spool, try a smooth cast at first rather than distance lifting the thumb off the spool to allow the lead to travel skywards in the normal way, now look down and watch the spool revolving any build up of loops of line means the breaks are set to slack and the spool could be slowed with the thumb in this instance.
Next cast turn the casting brake adjusting knob very slightly , this is the silver knob behind the star drag, finally once the brakes are set correctly its simply a matter of watching the lead travel towards the sea and stop the spool dead with the thumb as the lead looks to be about one metre above the water or if fishing after dark watch the spool with your headlamp , this can then be seen by the spool slowing and a loop of line coming up off the spool , this is the signal to stop the spool dead with the thumb, then lift off the thumb to allow the lead to travel to the sea bed.
Easy once tried a few times.
Ok quite a few of us will have been using a multiplier for years this article is aimed at those who are starting or thinking of purchasing a multiplier instead of the fixed spool reel or ‘egg whisk’
Never be put off using a multiplier, more distance can be achieved, relatively easy by using one of these following a few basic rules:-
Fill the reel with 20lb to 30lb line keeping in mind that casting will be reduced if heavier line is used
The spool should be filled to around 4mm from the spool rim
First trap the spool with the right thumb, assuming you are right handed, next put the reel into free spool, try a smooth cast at first rather than distance lifting the thumb off the spool to allow the lead to travel skywards in the normal way, now look down and watch the spool revolving any build up of loops of line means the breaks are set to slack and the spool could be slowed with the thumb in this instance.
Next cast turn the casting brake adjusting knob very slightly , this is the silver knob behind the star drag, finally once the brakes are set correctly its simply a matter of watching the lead travel towards the sea and stop the spool dead with the thumb as the lead looks to be about one metre above the water or if fishing after dark watch the spool with your headlamp , this can then be seen by the spool slowing and a loop of line coming up off the spool , this is the signal to stop the spool dead with the thumb, then lift off the thumb to allow the lead to travel to the sea bed.
Easy once tried a few times.