I know this topic was mentioned last week, but has anybody had any succses on them.
No announcement yet.
I have used them for three sessions, twice from south shields pier and once in the river.
On all these trips the humble rag and mackrel outfished it!
It\'s not like the normal crab this stuff is very DRY.
Three trips is not a full proff test, give it a go, I will stick to worm.
OH and REAL CRAB......
[Edited on 1/10/2003 by TIM]
Like I posted last week, first heard about them in August and got some from Billys and used them at Newton. Had nothing on them there but neither did anyone else I was fishing with there. That was the day when Gmac got his cod at Beadnell. I ended up fishing the match off the beach for an hour and getting a flounder. The remaining bait I kept and used in the Tyne for a match and was getting fish off them especially dabs. Fished the walkway at South Shields and they weretaking small bits tipped on the end of rag, especially the nippers and legs. The lad I was with got some small tommy codling on them as well. One of our club memebers used them at Newbiggin at the wekkend and got 4 codling to come 3rd on them, said he had loads of bites as well as when tipping lug. Have to say from my experience I\'d rather have them when crab is fishing then nothing better. Considering the price at #3.50 - #4 a packet which will give you 8 good baits I think they\'re not too bad, only time will tell whether they work well enough. :P
[Edited on 1/10/2003 by peter.m]
I used them in the summer smoothhound bash of the lincs coast. I was fishing with a number of other experienced anglers who were using fresh peeler. I would say that the swimmers were equelly as good on that session - I pulled 4 hounds (!) whilst some other anglers on the fresh had 1\'s and 2\'s.
I\'m interested to try em for the cod - I\'m going to get some next week and have a trip up to Whitby area so I\'ll let you know. Signs are good though :P