Just a note to any birdwatchers out there. I was down on SSP 45 mark last Friday and bites were few and far between so I found myself watching the birdlife (the feathered kind !). I noticed that about 300 or 400 yards out to sea some of the seagulls looked much to big to be seagulls. They did not come very close to the pier but I watched closely and I saw that they had broad black tips at the ends of their wings and they seemed to have a wingspan of about 5 or 6 feet. They were skimming over the waves at a distance and occasionally diving at high speed to catch fish before slowly flying up again. A quick check of my Readers Digest book of British Birds when I got home confirmed my suspicions ... they were Gannets
They are not too many of them but I saw three or four at distance, so if you are bored watching rod tips which are not moving then have a close look at the seagulls in the distance, some of them are not seagulls !
They are not too many of them but I saw three or four at distance, so if you are bored watching rod tips which are not moving then have a close look at the seagulls in the distance, some of them are not seagulls !