You've probably all watched the TV programme deadliest catch.What i cannot understand is why they use cod to catch crab ?. OK it is probably freely available to catch as we have seen them catching the cod to use for bait.But you think it would be better to keep them to sell.Using a cheaper alternative bait like mackeral.Some of those cod that are put in the pots are like 30 lbers it makes you sick when they are bringing pot loads of cod in and they are all like in the 4lb -20lb bracket..
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Deadliest Catch Cod ?
they do sell them aswell they only have so many days or weeks to catch them and then they go for the crab. it all seasonal.
There's also a difference in the way they catch them - they use the same pots ...slight modification is all that is needed...somewhat more eco freindly than trawling and very specific with very little by catchOoh a new vid!
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