Spot on thats what I suggested Mark was only a light hearted remark only problem you would have couple of hours before high water there a few like spikes sticking out of the concrete foundations but you could always try 70lb leader and bottom end on a pennel drop down rig gives you the best chance, I say this from experience I was fishing for dabs and catching, wasn't that bothered about ray's but after David caught a couple it got the better of me and belted it out 70lb leader 50 lb hook length left it on the ratchet it belted off best ray of the day alot bigger than I had seen caught David started to lift it an the hook length snapped like thead so I should have practiced what I preached the way my rig are tied the weight drops off everyone has their own method which I respect if am fishing for sport I normally nip the barbs anyway ie flatties and pollock
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Thornback Ray Fishing
Looked really nice up there,real scenic,but know wot u mean about getting out of the way,bit like my local beaches at this time of year,get pestered by holiday makers we call them diggers,short for sand digger lol
Regards rigs,can't fault your choice buddy,best rig in my eyes for the ray's,up n over's r ok but the snood is prone to kinking/damage,can't beat them pulley droppers
Keep at e,m big lad