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which crab ?

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  • which crab ?

    over the last few year i have heard anglers differing opinions about peelers saying that crab from certain areas fish better than others, also some prefer shore crab over river/estuary crab and some say that late season peelers are better than early, or that hens are better than cock or vice versa, does anyone have a preference or noticed any difference in the catch rate of certain crabs or is a crab just a crab.
    Last edited by Guest; 23-03-2014, 07:54 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by finseeker View Post
    over the last few year i have heard anglers differing opinions about peelers saying that crab from certain areas fish better than others, also some prefer shore crab over river/estuary crab and some say that late season peelers are better than early, or that hens are better than cock or vice versa, does anyone have a prefference or is a crab a crab.
    shore crab better than river crab , cock crab better than hen crab imho


    • #3
      A wouldnt think it matters were they come from the crabs later on are easier to peel straight out the river i think a mite be wrong here but a thought peelers were hen crabs as the dogger (orange male crab) protects them while they shed the shell


      • #4
        a have been told, that a peeler is ready when it's peeling,

        so it do'snt matter when you get it, or where you get it.

        as long as it's peeling.


        • #5
          Originally posted by PETER View Post
          A wouldnt think it matters were they come from the crabs later on are easier to peel straight out the river i think a mite be wrong here but a thought peelers were hen crabs as the dogger (orange male crab) protects them while they shed the shell
          All crabs, male and female, peel*. Crab are exoskeletal (they have a soft body encased within a hard carapace) and so need to shed this hard outer shell in order to grow. After peeling the crabs become "softies" and then "crinklies" as the new shell takes a while to harden up...

          *The exception of course being Hermit Crab which use discarded shells of other creatures to live in, moving out of one shell and into another as the old shell becomes too small


          • #6
            most of my fish come on blyth river crab with some early season on west crab but this year i had all my l8 season fish on the west crab, very clean crab & full of scent all cock crab.
            most lads think that it is the hens with the scent 2 atract the cocks but infact it is the hens that search out the big cock crab.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Billzo View Post
              hens that search out the big cock crab
              reminds me of my times working the door on the bigg market
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              • #8
                I think, might be wrong , that the males are the first to shed. Could be happening soon I believe, anyone any info on when? This spell of nice weather might get them started I am thinking

                The males shed first, some say these are better than the hens, then protect the hens during their shed as they mate just after the hen as peeled.

                If you find a pair and the female (crab underneath) is the right way up then hasn't peeled yet, if upside down already peeled.


                • #9
                  On the subject of crabs has anyone had any success using hermit crab for bait? i saw some on a online bait supplier site


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by saltysam View Post
                    On the subject of crabs has anyone had any success using hermit crab for bait? i saw some on a online bait supplier site
                    Used them on the boat and caught fish uptiding


                    • #11
                      Coks,I stand corrected are the first to moalt. I was told not to use hens 1st thing in the season when they are peeling as they still give off the same scent that they are ready to mate even when they are on the hook this attracts all the male crabs thus smothering the bait!!
                      Last edited by spongebob; 23-03-2014, 09:40 PM.


                      • #12
                        Males first and when the hens start to moult its a sign the males are becoming more scarce
                        have you got a cloth


                        • #13
                          I've been told off a few people that its pointless using female crab in the rivers billy as it attracts the male crabs but as you said its rubbish. Its not to say male crabs will attract more though as they only mate when the male is a dogger. In subject though I seem to do better on local river crab. Whether they are better or not who knows but I always seem to do better on them than I do west coast crab
                          <i>Put back what you don't need.</i>


                          • #14

                            Cock crab moult first then the hens, then the cock crabs have a second moult after breeding


                            • #15

                              I prefer east coast river crab to west coast shore crab for river fishing

