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Getting big cod up a cliff.

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  • #16
    I have shown it to mr woods a bit ago but haven't used it yet Paul but when u see it you can't fail I've used them hooks but in the dark it's hard I've got 2 types of the drop hooks one the same as Keith b


    • #17
      I use a simple but very effective device that I first saw on tv watching aussie anglers fishing from cliffs. get some strong garden twine, length as high as the cliff or pier you are fishing from then add some more to the length then get a quite large key ring clip [the type you use to clip on to your belt] tie a 60lbs line to it leaving enough to clear your rig ie 3or4 foot then on the other end clag on a size 10 o triple hook and just above it a1oz bullet lead, on the other end of the clip attach your twine now when you have a pig on and you know your main line cant lift it simply clip your set up to your main line, let it run down your main line and I guarantee the 10 o triple will end up in the mouth of the fish then just haul it up with the twine, works every time biggest fish I have lifted using this system 9 1/2lbs over 40ft.


      • #18
        Paul, the device Lance has will do the job!
        If people think you are an idiot, why speak and remove all doubt !


        • #19
          Champion, will try these out


          • #20
            I remember a few seasons back Steve Taarland fishing shields pier at the toilets and hooking into few fish and trying these grapplers to lift the fish and having bother cos they knock the fish off the hook if only lightly hooked.
            This drop net device sounds good by Lance, be gud to see a pic lance.
            Paul, Louis mentioned the bent rest on Monday but didnt go into details, could you not have tied it off and done a harra and gone swimming for it?


            • #21
              Originally posted by jamiebrennan View Post
              I remember a few seasons back Steve Taarland fishing shields pier at the toilets and hooking into few fish and trying these grapplers to lift the fish and having bother cos they knock the fish off the hook if only lightly hooked.
              This drop net device sounds good by Lance, be gud to see a pic lance.
              Paul, Louis mentioned the bent rest on Monday but didnt go into details, could you not have tied it off and done a harra and gone swimming for it?
              I fished around 0430 in the morning had to be at work for 8 mate hooked into it at 7 here's a pic of the rest. Will try lance and the wheel for sure.
              Attached Files


              • #22
                Wowzaz! Must have been a proper oinker! I didnt realise there was two 4:30's in one day!
                Been a while since I got up at daft o'clock to go pig hunting, think I might be setting my alarm this weekend!
                Last edited by jamiebrennan; 30-01-2014, 11:13 PM. Reason: alcohol bluring my vision!


                • #23
                  Hiya Folks, just looking at making a cliff gsff myself but this net thing sounds good. Anyone got any pics of one?


                  • #24
                    Anyone help?


                    • #25
                      Couple of local lads made a gaff with 3 large meat hooks welded onto a circular ring, I made a net from a collapsible creel/crab pot basically you close one end but leave enough room to slide over the reel at the butt then expand the coiled pot/net then simply slide down the line. Since losing a good double figure Cod which snapped 30lb line, iv moved to 40 lb big game, iv also moved over to torque reels from saltist. No problem so far. When the really big one comes then il be ready. Also if fishing with a partner ask him to grab the line and walk straight back a few feet so effectively hoisting the cod up in one motion. Hope this helps.


                      • #26
                        I have lifted a couple of fish, one was for geordie Cooper and we done the walk-back method, get your mate to wrap the line around their hand knock the reel into freespool and walk back/sideways and when the fish gets to the top swing the fish over.
                        Another was same scenario, fish was on its way up north row ends and I saw the leader knot come up....second ring ping! Open winning fish gone because of a leader knot...40lb straight through wouldn't have jammed


                        • #27
                          Braid and a pole with a pulley on. At least with braid you have the strength and the rest is in the lap of the gods.

                          I would suggest to anyone wanting fish cliffs successfully to have a look on the Whitby angling forum. Those guys really know what they are on about and what it takes to do it.
                          Regards Nicky.

                          Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Rocker View Post
                            This is something I've thought about as well, and I recon your lucky to lift anything 8lb+, although possible.
                            I've found the best way is to look at the area your fishing, sometimes you've got an option of landing the fish some distance away into a bay or somewhere else it can be tied off and retrieved later.

                            I know one good angler on here hooked into a good fish off noses point and landed it on the blast!
                            I did that once on newbiggin cliffs had a decent fish on and got snagged up on a ledge a the bottom of the cliff so cut me line found a boulder and tied the line waited for the tide to drop away and went down and got me fish .Have seen the pulley wheel set up used and it was very effective for lifting bigger fish


                            • #29
                              Interesting reading but I just want to know where this bloody cliff is!!

