Significant points.
Sure there was more than that but cant remember. If you were there and think I have things wrong then please tell me. Also please add anything I missed.
- Poor turn out of 7 anglers from the whole region
- Discussion on bass fishing took up a large amount of time
- Marine bill consultation closed last week. Now waiting for Ben Bradshawes thoughts.
- RSA strategy consultation will hopefully take place by late summer
- Defra acknowledged that communication with anglers is currently poor. They requested that anyone wanting to recieve information from them about RSA strategy etc should provide contact details either an email address or home address. It was suggested that defra contact all tackle shops with future details of consultations.
- I suggested DEFRA pay sea angler magazine to carry an article about the rsa strategy and suggested they employ someone to write the article in laymans terms. I suggested they pay as it is unlikely that sea angler will run their press releases free of charge (based on them charging BASS organisation £2000 to publish their press release on bass consultation).
- North eastern sea fisheries committee representative spoke out saying he believed anglers catches should be restricted and that bag limits for anglers should be introduced.
Sure there was more than that but cant remember. If you were there and think I have things wrong then please tell me. Also please add anything I missed.