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  • Cornwall

    Short report from my trip to cornwall.

    The first mark we tried was Port Gaverne a rock mark.

    When we got the there all the best spots were taken by mackerel basher's. we had planned on fishing all day but not long after we got set up the adrenalin junkies turned up and were jumping in all over and pretty much took over the place we waited for about half an hour to see if they would move on but it looked like they were here for the day so with those in front of us and macky basher's to the right of us we decided to give up on the fishing and enjoy the sun.

    The next day we went to Newquay after spending most of the morning in the shops and on the beach I headed off for a couple of hours fishing in the harbour and on the rocks.

    After chatting to a few people who were already fishing and them saying there was only one mackerel caught all day I decided to fish over the other side on the rocks I set up using Herron feathers with small sections of white isome. The tide was on the way in and after working my way around the rocks close in for some mini species and having nothing to show for it I decided to cast out after a few chucks I got a golden grey mullet which put up a good fight on my light gear and was a new species for me.

    After that I had a few mackerel (I won't bother putting mackerel pics up think we've seen enough of them this summer lol)

    After more macky basher's turning up I decided to call it a day.

    For our last day we went to Looe a small town about an hour from where we were staying after walking from the car to the pier with all of our fishing stuff there was a sign on the pier saying no fishing until the 1st of October, I was a bit disappointed. we couldn't even fish in the river because the tide was out. Later on in the day when the tide was up all along the river was taken up with kids and their crab lines and boats coming and going.

    Even though the fishing was a bit poor for me cornwall is a stunning place to visit and next time i plan on going out of the holiday season and hopefully getting more fishing done.
    List of South Shields Pier Fishing Marks

    2014 Species Hunt 37
    2013 Species Hunt 27

  • #2
    Lovely place, cornwall. Nice report too. That mullet has some cracking colours on it. Bonny fish


    • #3
      Cheers mate.
      List of South Shields Pier Fishing Marks

      2014 Species Hunt 37
      2013 Species Hunt 27


      • #4
        Nice pics and report. Yeah Cornwall is a lovely place to fish. Well done on your mullet.


        • #5
          Cracking report, well done
          Happy to help, Keen to learn!

          Fishing marks Seaham - Lynemouth

          Fishing Marks Lynemouth - North

          Popular lure Marks


          • #6
            Nice report , Cornwall has some stunning fishing marks. Next time in looe don't dismiss the millpool car park it can be very productive


            • #7
              Cheers lads............

              Originally posted by Bassboyo View Post
              Nice report , Cornwall has some stunning fishing marks. Next time in looe don't dismiss the millpool car park it can be very productive
              Thanks I'll keep that in mind for the next time I'm down there.
              List of South Shields Pier Fishing Marks

              2014 Species Hunt 37
              2013 Species Hunt 27


              • #8
                Great report and excellent pictures mate, nice one



                ************************************************** ******


                • #9
                  Looks a cracking place m8 and well done on the mullet it looks a belta not a easy fish to catch

