re support your local tackle shop.
Not being in the enviable position of possessing a credit card to pay online for gear - my wife deals with the finance otherwise i would have my own fishing shop in my garage - i printed off one of the offers from Gary Evans and went into Lewis' (used to be frasers in Whitley Bay) and asked if they could price match it.
The lad pointed out that a lot of the offers are for old discontinued kit but searched the Scierra catalogue and came up with an equally good set up of the new model for what was a cracking price.
Other members are right, if you are polite and explain what you want you can get an equally good or soemtimes better deal from your local shop without the hasle of waiting and paying for deliveries.
Not being in the enviable position of possessing a credit card to pay online for gear - my wife deals with the finance otherwise i would have my own fishing shop in my garage - i printed off one of the offers from Gary Evans and went into Lewis' (used to be frasers in Whitley Bay) and asked if they could price match it.
The lad pointed out that a lot of the offers are for old discontinued kit but searched the Scierra catalogue and came up with an equally good set up of the new model for what was a cracking price.
Other members are right, if you are polite and explain what you want you can get an equally good or soemtimes better deal from your local shop without the hasle of waiting and paying for deliveries.