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Tweeddale Yesterday

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  • Tweeddale Yesterday

    Ventured up to Tweeddale yesterday for our first trip over the borders for the start of this season, there was the usual three, myself, Sheppie and Ronnie.
    The weather was really cold with a smattering of ice around the edges of the lakes, we decided to try various tactics so we could get some idea what the fish were taking.
    Five hours later we were still trying to find the solution along with another half dozen anglers, I think two fish were caught and only a couple of fish showed on the surface. This must have been the most trying time I have ever experienced at Tweeddale, you get good days and bad days, this was the latter.
    The guy in the lodge ( Scott ) is a cracking bloke and he said, "since the Northerly winds arrived it had put the fish down".
    Anyway the stocking waggon arrived and duly put fish into the lakes and it was champion to get a bend in the rod, even one bend in the last 15 mins was just about perfect. Better day's to come.


  • #2

    yellow dancer best lure up there especially for new stockies. never been there when its been warm! mind you only been going 15 years. im sure the sun will come out there in my lifetime!


    • #3
      Your spot on about the yellow dancer Gordon, we are also finding that a red fritz pattern is starting to land a fair number of fish.
      I reckon once the weather improves and more anglers start to visit Tweeddale it will soon be back to its best.


      • #4

        hi lads, go there quite often with friend who's deaf,we only use 3 flies orange fritz works every time i get my fish limit of 4 fish in a hour,orange blob and black and green fritz.


        • #5
          Might see you up there sometime dappa, me and my mates normally go every fortnight when the season gets into full swing.
          I will have to bear in mind the fly's that you use, my favourite is a black buzzer with pearl cheeks, size 10,12,and 14. my other bestish buzzer is black with a silver rib and plain black head.
          Off to Whinney Loch tomorrow so I will let you know how me and my mates get on.
          Cheers seddo


          • #6

            alright seddo,i will let you know next time i go up,2 other flies to try on the bottom lake.okie dokie and tadpole with green.I've also noticed when we fish the bottom lake ,if you fish into the wind the fish are normally lying 1o yards from the shore,in this case i would use cats whisker on slow figure of eight retrieve.


            • #7
              Sound Mate, into the memory bank it goes,

