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Scary River Nightimes

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  • Scary River Nightimes

    Sometimes I fish on my own and almost always after dark in the winter. Alone on a lonely stretch of Northumberland beach, all sound deadened by the swirling snow and the pure white noise of the relentless rolling surf. Eye's focussed on a pin point of chemical light as the last vestiges of body heat seep away through the plastic box you are sat on. All around is dark, pitch dark - but familiar - and one slips into that zone of pure hard won peace.

    I've started fishing still waters for trout in the summer, at dusk surrounded by parked cars and other fishy dudes. Every time a goose honks or coot scuds out from the bank, I throw my gear in the air and run for the car with my kecks full of groundbait. It's costing me a fortune as I can't get up in the mornings

    I prefer fishing in the late afternoon for about 15 mins. as it fits in with my normal vibe.

    Oh yeah bats scare me as well, female barn owls and baby foxes.
    "I mock thee not, though I by thee am mockéd.
    Thou call'st me madman, but I call thee blockhead"

  • #2
    you are not alone my friend.........................the evil red eyed sheep do it for me. light ok. dusk ok. dark + sheep = nah ok .

    at last a good light hearted post, was starting to get a bit down and depresing on here



    • #3
      I got freaked out by frogs as well recently. It was dead dead quiet and I could hear this weird croaking noise - the only thing out of the ordinary was this little gang of froggies went a'courting in the water in front of me. I kept thinking where the chuff is this croaking noise coming from. "It sounds exactly like frogs".

      I eventually sussed out what it was!

      Frogs, I felt daft but relieved - it's like you'd never expect a rabbit to say "What's up doc" and I couldn't get to grips with a frog going ribbit

      I am but a simple townie dreaming of tweed
      "I mock thee not, though I by thee am mockéd.
      Thou call'st me madman, but I call thee blockhead"

