Your chance to respond, The final decision will be at the end of this year.
No announcement yet.
Coquet to St Mary MCZ is nearly with us
OK Les,
Just in from a gruelling 15 hour week, via the pub, and I think this is what the document says:
The potential MCZ does not stop at St Mary's, it goes as far as Crawleys Point (shame the map goes blurred as you zoom in) but that's what it looks like.
The opportunity to collect both crabs and worms is "maintained at favourable conditions" I take it this is a good thing.
You're not allowed to dredge or dump within 5 km but you are within your rights to drag a bloody big cable through it or plant a trillion wind turbos in it.
What does the "dredge" word include? Is it for the prawners/scallopers or does it include the potters?
I hope I don't feel another campaign coming on.
Hi Loopy.
Thanks for posting. Do you have any idea how this will affect sea anglers and bait collectors?
All the document says to that effect is that “activities will be assessed on a case-by-case basis” in other words once we tell you it affects anglers it will be too late to do anything about it. Interestingly though whilst they don’t rule out banning angling, they don’t think that any type of commercial fishing is likely to be damaging.
How can they possibly expect support for proposals that give them unlimited powers to restrict or even anything they want in these areas if the legislation is passed?
I've followed the links in their document and came across a survey where we can give our views.
My feedback was:
The sites should not be designated according to the current proposal as these proposals are far too vague. I agree some conservation measures in these areas would be desirable but without being told what measures would be enacted are I could not agree to them.
Please define the problem that the zones are trying to solve, your strategy to deal with the problem, the actions and restrictions to be enforced, how will you measure progress, define success and expected duration.
Kev1n, Dave, you know both Alan Charlton and I attended the original 2.5 years of consultation (Net Gain) along with all the other interested stakeholders and the view on proposing the site along with the best available scientific evidence at the time was to maintain the site not recover, We obviously fiercely defended the position of anglers and bait collection and it was agreed at the then known levels of bait and angling not to be detrimental to the broad scale habitat or features of conservation interest (not the view of some stakeholders)
This as you can appreciate ,will come under pressure in the future from other groups especially if commercial (black market) hand gathering (digging) gets out of control, litter and such things. So I hope that if required, codes of conduct can be drawn up in conjuction with us as anglers not regulation.
I am hopeful that Northumberland IFCA will hold public consultation meetings and get our views. Things are happening in the background hopefully to improve the recreational sea anglers lot in Northumberland.
We have had a MCZ for a year and a bit ,the River Aln with no pressure as yet to regulate, I hope that will not change, a code of conduct would make sense.
Whether we like it or not this is the reality that I spouted on about for the last 4 years I even had a sticky (Net Gain MCZ) but it was taken down as no one read it. We once again only have ourselves to blame if we do not get involved. If we do not engage with the consultation the powers that be will think we are not interested and they will regulate in the way they see fit.
We have had many opportunities in the past to engage, all have been posted on this site over the years going back to the original meeting I held at Newbiggin with DEFRA pre Marine and Coastal Access Act that started all this, another legacy of Mr Blairs government I am afraid.
I attended a Natural England workshop on Friday and I suspect a similar regime that was and is being used on the European Marine Sites in Northumberland with a matrix will be used as a management tool, we need to be involved, not just the usual suspects.
I will update you all on forthcoming consultation meetings.
This is very complex and I would be happy to attend any Club or speak to interested anglers and try and give you some sense of the whole issue. just phone or PM me.
Dave I need more detail than the so far published document and agree with your reading so far but I need to know if the devil is hiding in some detail and will speak to Dr Catherine Scott (NE) on monday if I can.