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Sandland brugge sept 2018

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  • Sandland brugge sept 2018

    Finally got here on fri night late norther lights were waiting for us then a couple drinks n bed sat morn we were up early slow day plenty cod n colies but nowt big only just hitting 20lb tony evans got the biggest then sun was a different day lots of decent cod colies were only up to 5 n 8 lb then it went quiet for the rest of the day then in the last hour bang stevie speirs goes n gets 2 halibut biggest around 40lb and so it was back to camp tea n a few morgans up early n back at it it was blowing a hoolie we were the only boat daft enough to go out and it started really well straight into large cod and some lovely looking kelpies tony evans got the biggest cod around 35lb but it died off as the wind was so strong n we couldnt hold bottom so we called it a day tight lines folks

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