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Missy 04.08.12

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  • Missy 04.08.12

    Bit of a new start for us this morning as Missy is now a trailer boat and today was going to be our first launch.

    The main plan of the day being to launch her at the ramp without any problems and retrieve back on to the trailer at the end of the day.

    Pleased to say all went very well without any hiccups
    Big thanks to Easyfish and The Jester for help running upto today

    Now on to the fishing
    We put alot of miles in today to try and find the fish, but the wrecks didn't want to play ball for us and we were starting to think it wasn't to be.

    Thankfully we found a spot of rough ground that gave us a bit of sport with cod upto 8.5 lb fighting like hell to round a good day off along with the cracking weather, flat sea and a successful launch retrieve under our belt.

    Yellow bases for the new wind farm, have to remember they're their in the fog

    Codfathers fathers first haul


    A tasty looking cod

    Sun hat time

    Good to meet a few lads off the forum lately.

  • #2
    Some cracking clean looking fish there - nice one!
    Ooh a new vid!

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    • #3
      Great report and pics Martin , some nice looking cod there, and your dad smiled as well....well nearly... Good to hear the launch and retrieve went well, it was a bit nervy for me as well this morning..


      • #4
        good to know you can get on and off the ramp martin it gets easier the more you do it...

        well done on the fish today, it was hard going ( for us ) too, we covered some distance and still never really scored..

        back wheels on the waterline.. did it work ? or with it being a bigger boat did you have to go deeper ?


        • #5
          A bit shallower seemed to work best Rob. It's a canny long trailer tho. Too deep and it messes the first roller cradle up, bit shallower and boat just rides up them nicely on the winch.


          • #6
            Nice quality fish Martin. On another side note have you had an issues with blowing fuses on the windscreen wiper? We have popped two already this season? I am assuming its the wiper but I may be our VHF as that's on the same loop?



            • #7
              Hi Graham , no we never had a fuse blow yet (touch wood). There might have been a thread about it on Qs owners at WSF, will have a look.


              • #8
                I blew 5 tonight Martin and had to call the marina on my mobile to lock in! Must have a short somewhere as as soon as I put the fuse in, it glowed straight away then popped!


