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Growler 30/05/2011 Third time lucky!

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  • Growler 30/05/2011 Third time lucky!

    After an enforced absence from fishing for me due to work today was the first day off for over nine weeks for me! I looked at the forecast for the week when I got home last friday and plumped for a week all inclusive in Turkey due to the pants forecast and the fact that the brownie points earned would come in handy for the six weeks off I have now!

    With the weather being kind it was off to a distant mark at 0600 after seeing Amblecol sneaking out this morning. On arrival there were a load of dolphins around, they had a good look at us and surrounded the boat for a while within touching distance. I managed a drop down inbetween them and got a treble shot of herring!

    Photo's of the dolphins:

    After the dolphins departed and we had spent half an hour with them we started fishing properly an it was straight into fish with Micky hitting two at a time and me one first drop. The fish in the morning all fell to pirks and baited muppets with the obliging mackeral now all over and being a bugger to get down through.

    Some good cod and ling were coming in and I managed the first double of the season with this ling, Just over 11lb.

    At slack tide the fish went off a bit and we moved to another couple of marks still picking away. We were headed to one but the Natalie Kristen was on it and had a load of fish from it I heard later!

    We moved back out to the original mark with the start of the flood tide and the fish started going daft for shads, on one drift I managed to get three fish out, one at a time, the drift was spot on!

    Micky had the biggest cod of the day at just shy of 9lb.

    And also a canny ling again just short of a double.

    The final tally was quite high with a load of fish returned as well, particularly the shad caught ones in the afternoon. We had a quick go at trolling on the way in but nothing was doing, maybe a little early yet.
    I was going to head out at first light tomorrow but it looks a bit blusterry so I will wait until later on in the week!

    Can't wait!

    Last edited by Graham B; 30-05-2011, 08:46 PM. Reason: Adding Dolphin and other photo's

  • #2
    some quality fish there, well done..browny points go a long way probs, oh, did i tell you i'm fishing for the next few.......


    • #3
      Great report mate, looks like Bank Holiday Mondays been good for most people
      2011 Catch's so far
      Cod: 13 / Ling: 0 / Herring: 4 / Pollock: 1
      Biggest: Cod 6Lb


      • #4
        well done on the catch,youve got some cracking fish there!


        • #5
          Great report Graham, and well done on the double ling, and Micky for his 9 pounder , just think, 6 weeks of this ahead, do you think you'll cope


          • #6
            Nice one Graham, some good sized fish there ... congrats ..

            great report and pics as ever .... cheers

            ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
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            • #7
              3rd time is a charm and the sea today along with the fishing was ALMOST worth the wait.

              ................__................................ .............................
              ____[ ~ \_____
              SKATE 204lb
              COD 51lb
              LING 32lb
              TOPE 40lb
              CONGER 25lb
              HADDOCK 10lb
              HALIBUT 37lb
              COALIE 16lb
              BLUE SHARK 55lb


              • #8
                Nice first day back at it Graham , hopefully a few more in the next six weeks to go with it I missed you today , I think I actually got out before you and came back in after you
                I had a good day too, nothing massive , but plenty of them up to 7lbs or so.



                • #9
                  Was that you at the North end of the Island Ray about two-ish? We headed in but you were on your way as we arrived. We are off to have a look at that boat tomorrow! Would have went today but the fishing was too good to leave!



                  • #10
                    Great report and pics well done on your catch


                    • #11
                      good tactics with the brownie points,....... what a man has to do !!

                      great report and pics, did you do owt on shads/sidewinders.
                      majic to see the dolphins

                      well done


                      • #12
                        Nice report and pictures, well done on the catch.


                        • #13
                          Good one lads, must have been nice to see the dolphins.


                          • #14
                            Well done Mr B & Mr C, you went a bit further than me and probably caught more but it was great to not have wind. I thought I had slyed past you without you seeing! I just fished up to Foxton in the little boat for 40 cod and plenty of macky - back in at 1.30. Had a couple of hours this afternoon for 15 best about 8lb. No pollack yet but I might try again next week. No doubt see you at marina again soon - keep catching.


                            • #15
                              Nice one! Great catch and report! Bet your pleased to be back Graham!

