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Ali-Cat (Hartlepool) Sunday 10.5.2015

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  • Ali-Cat (Hartlepool) Sunday 10.5.2015

    Travelled down the A19 on my regular pilgrimage to Hartlepool for another day out with Skipper, Dave Lumley on a pleasant Sunday morning with very light traffic.
    Arriving with plenty of time and with a last look at the forecast, I decided on taking my lightweight waterproofs, which in the end proved to be the correct choice.
    So off to the pontoon I went where both boats were already tied up awaiting their passenger's ready for the 7.30am kick off.

    Both boats filled quickly and both boats made the lock together, once the levels were equal, Graham and I had stowed the fenders and ropes,
    we went through the lock gates, and off we headed to our individual hunting grounds.

    The "RACE" is on to get the first drift set up as we steam past "Famous" with Stevie and Fred (Crew and Skipper) exchanging pleasant gestures (NOT for publication)

    Sea conditions were slight as we started off and with a steady 45 minute stream, the lads on board had ample time to decide on their terminal tackle arrangements.
    As we slowed, a quick look around the boat seemed bait fishing edged the plastics, although I had my trusty boys with me and used them all day,
    6" Stripy Tiger Sidewinder Sand eel, the squid and cart sausages left frozen in my bottle flask.
    With "Famous" close behind, Dave began about setting up our first drift, all on Hard Ground today as it happened as the drift was just that little bit too quick to attempt any wrecks.
    First drop for me, and this time it didn't hit the bottom before a feisty beast gave an excellent account of itself,
    which turned out to be a very clean Coddling around the 4lb mark, and with a quick kiss it was sent on its way back as I do with every first fish I catch.
    Fish came up all over the boat and I am pleased to report that there were a lot more bigger fish compared to the last time I was on board.
    Fish in everyone's boxes during the next few drifts and Fred on "Famous" called to say they were having very similar success.

    Skipper shouts "Lines up" as he prepares to return for another drift hoping to follow a similar line, and yup, more fish for everyone,
    I was noticing however that the plastics were doing much better, but more fish were filling the lads boxes, with a visit from a few Ling to boot.

    Now everyone was having a great start, but unfortunately a somewhat large Tanker that had appeared on the radar was steaming directly towards us both,
    even at some distance the Skipper began making his presence known by enthusiastically sounding his ships horn.
    So after a few choice words (between ourselves) Dave decided to move off to allow him through, just Coz he was a bit bigger than us, I may add.

    We sat treading water until the big fella had safely gone past us and made our way back to the drift line, Dave set us up again and the ground had died,
    not a fish, absolutely Zilch!!!!!! (Engine noise perhaps???? I think that could be another discussion at some point)
    So Dave took us a well away from the tankers course and the fishing continued through the day.
    There were Herring, Coalfish, Ling, Cod and of course Whiting, among which were some good sized fish again.
    Overall the average size I would say has edged up to 5lb+, the smaller stuff has lessened. not as many fish in total as my last trip but a solid 80+ fish,
    my contribution a nice bag of 11 clean fish, all on the Sand Eel, and with enough fish for most of the lads, It was great to see a lot of good sized fish going back.

    Another cracking day, weather great just until very late on when a little chop began, which was forecast but didn't detract from the day as we were just
    about ready to return, and so the gutting and filleting began on our way in and our flying vacuum cleaners began their job of hoovering, they certainly do a grand job.

    A nice steady steam back to the marina, some good crack and well done's all round, especially to Dave once again for finding the fish in quality and quantity,
    straight into the lock awaiting the water levels to equal ready to wash the boat down.

    And a photo for someone who wanted to see what I had caught in the marina car park, always pleased to oblige.

    This has been the best start for a few years and long may it continue, I can see some Doubles on the Horizon, I wish you all the very best in nailing one, until the next time lads and lasses.
    John S

  • #2
    Cracking report and pics! Looks like you all had a great day. Nice one


    • #3
      Great report John, on a great trip out . Thanks for sharing.


      • #4
        Top angling great report
        Cheers Bert


        • #5
          Well done john, Cracking report pal.


          • #6
            Great report John, details and pics , great stuff.

            Seems this could work out a great season ....... Fingers crossed

            Many thanks

            ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
            . . ,,,,,,___[ ~ \___
            ,,;;`` [_________/-,......... Norman.........


            • #7
              Fantastic report and photos John. Hope to meet up when we are down your way.
              2016 - Cod, Dab, Dogfish, Gurnard, Ling, Mackerel, Saithe, Scorpian fish. .


              • #8
                Thanks for your kind comments lads, it certainly was a good day to be afloat, thanks again
                John S


                • #9
                  well done and a great report also wonderful pictures.

