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Stingray Into the unknown and beyond

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  • Stingray Into the unknown and beyond

    Set off after fueling up the boat to the max and 2x 20ltr containers as well with big_sid.

    It was plan "A" a area i have looked at for sometime and always been put off due to the weather and distance but with a fantastic flat sea and a the sun already popping its head out at 7am off we went.

    1st stop for soem mackerel and boy was it hard work, tried at least 4 spots and only bagged 21 between no time for thsi and off we went in the hope of picking some more up over the wrecks.

    To break the 2hr 20min steam time up i had pre-planned 3 stop off wrecks on the way, 1st wreck nothing and the drift was very quick so after 2 drifts off to the next...nothing again then 3rd wreck we picked up a cod and a standard size ling.

    Off again for the long haul and at last we got to the area of wrecks i wished to fish...280ft of water (bloody hell) so 1st wreck could not find it, 2nd wreck could not find it, 3rd wreck after thinking the sounder was not able to work at that depth a massive wreck showed up..after plotting it out we started to fish.

    Landed a few ling but nothing of any great size just shy of 9lb the best, tried 4 more wrecks in that area but the depth was making a 10oz lead feel like it was not on the end of the line.

    We decided that after 6hrs fishing them that not much on them and tackle loses high due to not being able to tell if your on the bottom very started the trip back home and hit a couple of good wrecks on the way home that produced a ling or two but by this time 5pm the sea was getting abit choppy with waves reaching at least 2cm (20mm)

    So with the fuel tank low and the tackle box light, sun burnt face and sore arms we headed in with smiles on the faces as it was the best day weather wise at sea this year with out any doubt.

    so catch report for the day...

    11 ling best being 9lb

    3 cod best being a nice double at 10lb 5oz

    30ish mackerel

    5 whiting

    My catch 6 ling to 9lb and 3 cod to 10lb 5oz as well as a share of the mackerel and whiting.

    Couple of pics and one of a massive trawler on a 14 mile off wreck flying a dutch flag.
    Attached Files
    ................__................................ .............................
    ____[ ~ \_____
    SKATE 204lb
    COD 51lb
    LING 32lb
    TOPE 40lb
    CONGER 25lb
    HADDOCK 10lb
    HALIBUT 37lb
    COALIE 16lb
    BLUE SHARK 55lb

  • #2
    Ow and just about everything that was not dead when back to fight again
    Attached Files
    ................__................................ .............................
    ____[ ~ \_____
    SKATE 204lb
    COD 51lb
    LING 32lb
    TOPE 40lb
    CONGER 25lb
    HADDOCK 10lb
    HALIBUT 37lb
    COALIE 16lb
    BLUE SHARK 55lb


    • #3
      i was at work today looking at the wind turbine at tyne dock (motionless) and the blue sky and thinking to myself that lucky £$*O&*&^*%^$%& is out there on stingray catching doubles. well done for giving it a go and at least you got a few fish.


      • #4
        Some nice fish there ne1 . That ship trying to get on the plane lol.Looks like u had a good day nice report and pics


        • #5
          well done Richy at least you gave the distance stuff a try canny catch too but was it worth the travel? Lucky Buggers on the weather lovely day to be out

          Fishing is eternal optimism!!!


          • #6
            Well done Richy.
            I would consider that a great day at sea, good conditions that are a pleasure to be out in and the adventure of heading off and plotting new marks.
            Some decent fish thrown in for good measures aswell, happy days

            That's a beast of a trawler in the last pics.

            If the conditions allow "Missy" should be having a similar adventure tommorow, hopefully catch a few aswell.


            • #7

              you often get the water as flat as that. canny adventure richie and id like to get one them doubles meself. was the pollock a happy accident or was it deliberatley fished for.


              • #8
                Welldone lads sounds like you's had a canny day, great weather and some crackin fish


                • #9
                  Pollack was a flook but after that one we did try for more but no others.

                  I would say it was worth it to say i have been there with my boat but fish numbers wise it was not, still had a great day out and Stingrays 14th Double of the season...2 more weekends to go then thats it for me until April apart from maybe 1 or 2 trips over the rough ground in winter.
                  ................__................................ .............................
                  ____[ ~ \_____
                  SKATE 204lb
                  COD 51lb
                  LING 32lb
                  TOPE 40lb
                  CONGER 25lb
                  HADDOCK 10lb
                  HALIBUT 37lb
                  COALIE 16lb
                  BLUE SHARK 55lb


                  • #10
                    Well done lads, sounds like one of those days when it's nice just to be out there and catching a few fish is the cream on top.
                    Cheers, Keith.


                    • #11
                      Couple more random pics...
                      Attached Files
                      ................__................................ .............................
                      ____[ ~ \_____
                      SKATE 204lb
                      COD 51lb
                      LING 32lb
                      TOPE 40lb
                      CONGER 25lb
                      HADDOCK 10lb
                      HALIBUT 37lb
                      COALIE 16lb
                      BLUE SHARK 55lb


                      • #12
                        well done catching them fish , if last night is anything to go by they are scarce at the moment. That first pic look like the Med, Exactly how far were those wrecks !!!!!!!

                        PB Ling 14.5lb (AUG 2013 Stingray)


                        • #13
                          Well Alan you have jinxed me mam has just asked to join me on Sat wreck fishing so no doubt she will land a 20lber or something
                          ................__................................ .............................
                          ____[ ~ \_____
                          SKATE 204lb
                          COD 51lb
                          LING 32lb
                          TOPE 40lb
                          CONGER 25lb
                          HADDOCK 10lb
                          HALIBUT 37lb
                          COALIE 16lb
                          BLUE SHARK 55lb


                          • #14
                            Beyond the Unknown

                            What can I say ? One hell of a big THANK YOU to Richy for the invitation to fish onboard Stingray. What a day ,flat calm sea this strange bright glowing object in the sky which never stopped.My Pollack though not targeted was a pleasant and welcome surprise and for the juvenile Ling they just kept throwing themselves onto our hooks, tried to put back as many as we could in the hope of catching them next year.Never been out as far international waters,that's were we spotted the Dutch trawler shooting its nets.Was it worth it? I would have to say yes when the conditions are perfect you must have to go for it are you will always be wondering about the if's and's & maybe's. Would I do it all over again ? Yes but not today I'm Knackered after the thirteen hours that was logged .
                            Once Again My Thanks To Richy (Northeast1) & Stingray and Who Ever Was Responsible For The Weather THANK YOU ALL.
                            Last edited by big sid; 11-09-2009, 12:07 PM.
                            Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught


                            • #15
                              well done lads,

                              got to agree with all the views both for and against a long run. If it's that kind of a day you just got to go for it and see for yourself whats out there even if you do pass the distance of duty free

                              likewise I got to agree that the times we've went distance the catch has never been any better" than the 6 to 8 mile mark and sometimes worse ....

                              still, on a day like that the boat element is as good as the fishing element so go and enjoy ......... congrats, great report rich and well done lads.

                              ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
                              . . ,,,,,,___[ ~ \___
                              ,,;;`` [_________/-,......... Norman.........

