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Weymouth 2009

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  • Weymouth 2009

    hi all well just a little report from my recent weymouth trip with the lads from the world sea fishing and it was great and i will be returning


    Hi All

    Well Home again safe and sound but what a week and if you haven’t been then i suggest you seriously consider the next one
    Well here is my full report but beforehand just a few thank’s for the stars of the week A big thanks goes to the following
    1. Pagram Pirate for crewing all week
    2. Ron for the entertainments on the radio
    3. Cascars for organising the (crap) BRILLIANT meet he he he
    4. Worzell and crew for the onshore entertainments
    5. Chugger for letting Worzel have his moment of glory he he he
    6. Tom Beetle for the marks
    7. Congeraider for the help in a few things
    8. And everyone else at the meet for been so friendly and making me and my family welcome
    Well here goes the full report
    • DAY 1
    Well been new to the area and so it was decided to try the bank and the mussel beds and the cod marks but been New it was a poor day
    • DAY 2
    Offshore mid channel wrecking well after a good steam out almost 25 nm we arrived at our starting point but it had a boat on it so we decided to look on the plotter and see what else was near so a couple of miles further off and we hit our first wreck almost straight away i was into some nice Pollock and the biggest was getting close to double figures it was much this way for the first 3 wrecks and Pagram Pirate had still to score but we moved onto wreck number 5 and things changed in an instant with the Pagram Pirate scoring bass and Pollock and finishing up with as much fish as me so a good day had been had
    • DAY 3
    After chatting with congeraider it was decided to try the cod grounds and see if drifting from the edge of the race and back over onto the cod grounds could produce well after a couple of hours we had not produced anything so a change of tactic was proposed and into west bay Wrecking we went after a few wrecks and a good few Pollock it was another day over
    • DAY 4
    Poor forecast so we decided to head to the east and see what could be lurking out that way but after leaving Harbour and taking two good ones over the front it was decided to abandon this day and see what the rest of the week would hold
    • DAY 5
    With a better forecast but with still a good swell on it was decided to go round the bill and see what could be enticed out of the inside and fish at anchor
    Well after a few hours and only a couple of doggies and a small bull Huss a change of attack was needed so wrecking it was again and off we went in search of some wreck bass and Pollock a couple of Pollock were boated but nothing to write home about after a call from the seamstress warning about possible bad weather it was decided to make our way back and a good roller coaster ride was had
    • DAY 6
    Well this was going to be our last day so offshore Wrecking in the morning and then onto the bank in the afternoon well the wrecking wasn’t proving very good as the tide was screaming through well one more wreck was attacked in which I boated 2 decent Pollock the biggest touching about 9lb Now it was time for the Bank as the Pirate wanted a turbo so off to the bank we went as we hadn’t go any bait for the bank we decided to try for mackerel near a wreck and on our last drift I thought I had got a huge mackerel on but it turned out to be Billy the bass about 3lb then onto the bank and on our second drift the Pagram Pirate got the smile on his face as he boated a nice 3 to 4lb turbo

    Well then it was soon all over but what a week and I WILL BE BACK

    it is a very different venue with all sorts of tides etc sometimes you are going through above 6 knots of tide but would i recomend then certainly i have already booked for next year
    The beautifull South

  • #2
    ya aint getting a welldone till i see any pics sean ya nah the score ya been there before
    Panel Pin Champ


    • #3
      Thought it was a bit dull on the west pontoon lol, bet weymouth marina was glowing a canny shade of yellow.

